Title: Sweet and Sour, Socks and Flour Pairing: Eunhae Rating: PG Genre: Fluff and other stuff Summary: In a moment of pain, Donghae finds kindness in a boy with an unfamiliar face. A/N: Inspired by the story of a peanut.
Title: When it's not really broken Pairing: Eunhae Rating: PG Genre: Angst, fluff Summary: The thought of actually thinking about it makes his stomach plummet in fear. A/N: For Hannah's birthday ♥ (I'm sorry this is so late! ;;) Credit to Tee for the title!
Title: Colorful Pairing: Eunhae Genre: Romance Rating: PG Summary: “The show is over, close the story book, there will be no encore. And all the random hands that I have shook, well they're reachin' for the door. I watch their backs as they leave single file, but you stood stubborn, cheering all the while.” - Colorful by The Verve Pipe